Building a landing page with a subscription form

Photo by Mathyas Kurmann on Unsplash

Building a landing page from scratch sounds simple. But there is always more than you think.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how I built the landing page for Type.

Tech stack

I first thought of creating the landing page with @carrd.

But I wanted to have full control over the UI and the subscription form, so I decided to build it with @nextjs and @tailwindcss.

I’ve used these tools before so I knew it would be fast to develop.


I looked at @vercel and @Netlify. I already had some experience with Vercel but never tried Netlify.

After some research, I found out that you cannot use Vercel for commercial purposes.

So I went with Netlify. Turns out it’s super simple and quite similar to Vercel.


I’m not a marketer. And I’ve never created a landing page myself before.

The original thread I posted has gained some traction though.

So I thought I’d reuse the same format for the landing page:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Video

Not complete, but enough for now.

Subscription form

I looked at various email marketing tools and finally settled on ConvertKit.

It seems perfectly suited for creators and is free for up to 300 subscribers.

I used their API to create a custom form so I could stay on the same page when a user subscribes.

Confirm subscription

A nice little touch is the confirm subscription page.

I recreated the UI of a text file on macOS as if the note was created through the app.

I love these little details! ✨

Type confirmation page


I’ve always used Google Analytics, but with the recent rise of alternatives with simpler interfaces, like Fathom or Plausible, I wanted to try one.

I chose Plausible simply because it’s a bit cheaper than Fathom.

And indeed, the data is easier to read.

Plausible dashboard

Social meta tags

The essential detail for sharing a site on social networks.

Especially the Twitter image card (I did my best here 😆).

Without forgetting the favicon.

Type Twitter card preview

That’s all!

And you, have you ever created a landing page? Did I miss something?

If so, let me know and I’ll update this article!

View original Twitter thread

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