Building easter eggs in iOS apps

I love to build easter eggs into the products I work on.
They’re fun to make, and it’s a little secret that only you and your team know.
Now is the time to reveal some secrets! Here are 3 easter eggs hidden in the apps I’ve worked on.
Take Easy Easy
Tap the logo on the help screen 10 times to reveal the team behind the app.
As a bonus, the one and only @NadiaNadienka drew all the avatars herself!
La Presse
Hold 6 seconds on the version number in the profile screen to reveal all teams involved in the project (not just the iOS app).
I was already gone when the team built this, but was thrilled to see my name when @Donrakes told me about it!
Hold 6 seconds on the version number in the account screen to change the app icon.
I built this when @ArnaudSpuhler created our logo and we didn’t know yet which version to use for the app.
That’s all! Fun, right?
And you, have you ever created some easter eggs in the apps you’ve worked on?
If so, give me a hint, I’d love to try and find them!